Hygiene & Prevention

In times of a pandemic, hygiene and prevention are fundamental pillars of our health and coexistence. With technical means, we can carry out permanent and long-term prevention and prevent infections.


Permanent dry disinfection

Treat surfaces with Dyphox, for reliable permanent dry disinfection.

Using UVC clean air disinfectors indoors, kills the molecular structure of DNA and RNA of viruses and bacteria in aerosols.

More than hot air!

Xaver Kollmer, CEO of Membran Experts, interviewed by renowned editor
Tanja Göbel-Nowak about function and any other question regarding air purification.

Listen to the talk here! (MP3 / 5MB)

Tailored concepts?
Contact us!

We can create a concept tailored to your needs and requirements.
You want a professional and non-binding consultation? We are happy to help you by phone or in a personal conversation!
